A balanced diet is the key element for a healthy lifestyle, and calories are not the only thing that should be considered, the diet should be seen as a whole.
Moderation when consuming food and beverages is recommended, however, you might be wondering about your daily calorie intake and the number of calories that are found in wine.
- Calories vary from wine to wine, and the exact number of calories will depend both on the alcohol and the sugar content of the wine you have chosen and a minor contribution comes from organic acids*.
*approx. 3-5% of the total calories per liter wine are organic acids.
For this reason, they are not taken into account in our calculations below.

The sugar
Like every fruit, grapes contain sugar. When crushed and pressed, the sugar is directly passed into the grape juice. This sugar is used as food by the yeasts and is then turned into alcohol through the fermentation of the juice.
The fermentation of the sugar will continue until a specific level of alcohol is reached. At this point, the fermentation will stop and the sugar that has not been turned into alcohol will remain in the wine. This is what we call residual sugar.
The more sugar there is in the grape juice, the more alcohol will be in the wine.
Depending on the quantity of the residual sugar, still wines are classified as dry, semi-dry, semi-sweet, sweet.
Every gram of sugar is 4 Kcal, the more sugar there is in the wine, the higher the caloric content of the wine will be.
The alcohol
The calories contained in alcoholic beverages mainly come from the alcohol content, it is in fact known that 1 g of alcohol contains 7 Kcal. For example: A drinking unit of 10 g of alcohol will thus contain 70 Kcal – these 70 Kcal only account for the alcohol content and is thus only one part of the total calories.
Wines with a higher alcohol volume (% vol) will have more calories than low alcohol volume wines, for example a fortified wine versus a light white wine. The alcohol content of a wine can thus be a good first step to knowing the calories of a specific wine.
The total calories in wine will therefore depend on the vintage you have chosen and will vary according to the type of wine (dry, semi dry, semi-sweet, sweet).
How many calories are there in the different types of wine?
The calories in a glass of wine will depend on the type of wine and the size of the glass.
Type of wine
If you are looking to limit your calorie intake, prefer a dry wine over a sweet wine.
Dry wines have a small amount or no sugar at all, while sweet wines can have different levels of sweetness (from medium to sweet). The percentage of alcohol will depend on the grape variety, the region’s climate / terroir, etc.
Size of the glass
Most of today’s dining tables will feature big beautiful glasses that will allow you to swirl the wine and let its aromas fill the glass, a great way to fully appreciate the wine you are tasting. While we highly recommend these kinds of glasses, it is important to keep an eye on the quantities that are served in every glass.
Supersize glasses can in fact lead to a higher consumption of wine and in turn a higher intake of calories.
We recommend to keep serving sizes to ~100 ml.
Click here for more information about drinking guidelines.

Did you know
It is important to consider not only the calories intake, but also try to learn more about the wine you choose to drink. This will enhance your enjoyment and appreciation of the wine and will also help you make successful pairings with food, creating an overall greater experience.
Red Wine
How many calories are there in a glass of red wine?
- A glass of 100 ml of light bodied red wine at 12.5 vol% will have around 85 Kcal.
Red wines light in body are usually refreshing with crisp acidity and easy to drink. An example of a light-bodied red wine is Pinot Noir from France or Primitivo from Italy. - A glass of 100 ml of medium bodied red wine at 13 vol% will have around 90 Kcal.
Medium bodied red wines are easy to pair with a variety of foods and these wines will feel richer with a more substantial texture. Examples of medium-bodied wines can give varieties such as Cabernet Franc, Merlot, Grenache. - A glass of 100 ml of full-bodied red wine at 14 vol% will have around 100 Kcal.
Cabernet Sauvignon, Malbec, Tannat, Syrah or Douro reds such as Touriga Franca are wine grapes that can give full bodied red wines. The wines will be powerful and will seem more concentrated with a great tannic structure, higher alcohol levels and density of aromas. They can be appreciated alongside a number of meat-based dishes and pasta. - The average calorie content of a glass of wine is between 70-100 kcal, depending on the wine type and the alcohol content of the wine.
White wine
How many calories are there in a glass of white wine?
- A glass of 100 ml of dry white wine at 11.5 vol% will have around 75 Kcal.
In most cases a dry white wine will be refreshing with lively acidity. It can be appreciated in its youth displaying fruity varietal aromas while a few of them can age developing a great complexity (e.g. Pinot Gris/Pinot Grigio, Riesling, Vinho Verde or Sauvignon Blanc at 11.5% volume). - A glass of 100 ml of medium dry white wine at 13.5 vol% will have around 90 Kcal.
A full-bodied white wine is often appreciated for its rich texture and concentrated flavour; butter, vanilla or crème aromas result from the winemaking techniques usually involving barrel-ageing, less-contact, and barrel-fermentation. Many grapes can give full-bodied wines: Sauvignon Blanc, Gewürztraminer, Albariño; however, Chardonnay will probably wear the crown in this category. - A glass of 100 ml of sweet white wine will start at 100 Kcal due to the sugar content as well as the alcohol.
Sweet white wines are very sweet and can often pair with desert, cheese or even sometimes chocolate. Some of the famous grape varieties are Tokaji or Vin Santo. - The average calorie content of a glass of wine is between 70-100 kcal, depending on the wine type and the alcohol content of the wine, sweet wine can have more calories.
Rosé wine
How many calories are there in a glass of rosé wine?
Rosé wines can vary from dry and mineral to sweet and fruity. They are usually a little bit lighter than red wines which means less alcohol. The calories in a glass of rose wine will therefore vary depending on the grape variety used and the alcohol level.
- A standard glass of dry rose wine at 12,5% volume (~100 ml) will have around 85 Kcal.
- The average calorie content of a glass of wine is between 70-100 kcal, depending on the wine type and the alcohol content of the wine.
Sparkling wine
How many calories are there in a glass of sparkling wine?
Produced all over the world, sparkling wines are appreciated for their elegance. Sparkling wines usually have lower alcohol level between 11% to 12.5% alcohol per volume.
- A glass of 100 ml extra brut sparkling wine at 12 vol% will have around ~80 Kcal, whereas a 100 ml medium dry sparkling wine will count ~95 Kcal.
- The grape varieties that are usually used for sparkling wines are Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, Pinot Meunier, Chenin Blanc, Maccabéo, Riesling or Muscat.
- The average calorie content of a glass of wine is between 70-100 kcal, depending on the wine type and the alcohol content of the wine.
! Did you know that the loved and refined bubbles in sparkling wines are produced during the alcoholic fermentation when yeasts feed sugar and produce alcohol and carbon dioxide?
Aromatised Wine
How many calories are there in a glass of aromatised wine?
Aromatised wines such as Vermouth are fortified wines that have been flavoured with roots, spices, and fruits as well as herbs. Serving sizes are usually smaller than those served for still wines.
- A serving portion of 85 ml at 15 vol% of Vermouth or other aromatized wine will have around 170 Kcal.
- The average calorie content of a glass of aromatised wine is between 125-170 kcal per 85ml, depending on the wine type and the alcohol content of the wine.
Fortified/liqueur wine
How many calories are in a glass of fortified/liqueur wine?
Fortified/liqueur wines are made by adding alcohol either before, during or at the end of alcoholic fermentation. Their alcohol can rise to 20% by volume or even higher. Their style can range from dry to sweet. The sweeter styles such as Port, sweet Sherries or sweet Madeira are tasteful and always served in smaller portions. The serving portion can vary between 60 and 85 ml.
- A glass of such a dessert wine of ~85 ml at 15% volume will therefore count around ~125 Kcal whereas a glass of dessert wine at 20% volume will be around ~170Kcal.