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Wine in Moderation News
Initiatives from Members


German Winegrowers at the heart of video series promoting responsible drinking

German Winegrowers at the heart of video series promoting responsible drinking

As part of their social media strategy, the Deutsche Weinakademie (DWA) has been developing a weekly video series, where German winegrowers explain what motivated them to become WiM Supporters, how they implement the principles of the Wine in Moderation programme in their daily work and why wine also has cultural significance for them. These inspiring insights are published every Wednesday on the DWA’s Wine in Moderation Instagram channel “wim_ger” and on the German Wine Academy’s YouTube channel.

Today, Germany counts more than 1.300 WiM Supporters from around the country who follow the Wine Communication Standards – the sector’s self-regulation code, share the Wine in Moderation message and implement it in their marketing activities.